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L’entrepreneur de renom Frederico Panetta est en mission pour inspirer et impacter les autres.

Successful entrepreneurs like Frederico Panetta, CEO of Gould Industries often have mentors and influences that guide them along the way to greatness; leading them to want to give back later in their careers and guide others as their mentors did for them. Mr. Panetta makes tremendous efforts towards making sure his employees are well taken care of and the community he resides in prospers creating several programs and initiatives to make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible. 

Programs That Make A Difference: Immigration Assistance  

Several of the programs that have been put in place in the last few years to make a difference and an impact on the community and the lives of our employees. “We have an immigration program where we sponsor people across the world to come and integrate within our business and community by utilizing their expertise in our production facilities. In the last three years, we’ve helped more than 25 individuals migrate and create a new chapter in their lives in North America.”

Education Opportunities For A Brighter Future & Charity 

Gould Industries also makes strides towards education opportunities for its employees. Frederico says, “We also have a university program, where we select an employee yearly that wins a grant that’s 100% funded by us to send a member of their family to university. Every year we participate in countless acts of community service, combining our efforts and time to give out more than 2000 meals to the homeless people on Father’s Day.” We also donate to United Way of Canada by sponsoring an employee of our long time partner RBC (The Royal Bank of Canada) for a 600KM run. 

Supporting The Arts 

Gould Industries is also making philanthropic strides in supporting their community through their participation in an annual art festival in Canada. “One project we’re particularly proud of that we’re announcing the on 16th of November is our participation in an art contest held every year in Montreal. The artist that is selected by our jury paints a very important wall in our building that we call. “ The Museum Wall” It’s great for organic recognition and opens doors for artists to earn commissions, allowing them to promote within our network of partners, suppliers, and customers.”

Care For Employee Health And Safety 

In conclusion, at Gould Industries, we have a very strong pension plan for employees and health insurance coverage for them and their families, and a strong emphasis on promoting a better tomorrow for every life we touch in the industry and beyond. 

Building Authentic Connections In His Community & Abroad

In conclusion, Frederico draws a lot of inspiration to excel in his career from a love for and pure intentions to help others along the way. If you’d like to follow Frederico’s story, follow him on Instagram @fredericopanetta for the latest updates on life and Gould Industries. 


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