“We always want to be the go-to source for our clients when it came to service and quality, so they rarely feel the need to search elsewhere for a better alternative.”
Private labels, or store brands, are having a moment. Early in the COVID-19 crisis, many consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) brands disappeared from store shelves due to panic buying and pantry loading. Some shoppers, not finding their preferred brands, instead bought private-label goods—and have continued to do so. The fact that private labels are frequently cheaper than national brands has helped, too, as financially strained consumers tighten their purse strings. These two advantages—high availability and low price—have made private-label products considerably more appealing to consumers. The consumer shift toward private labels benefits retailers as well since private labels are typically more profitable for them. Furthermore, high-quality private labels can gain a devoted following and become a powerful driver of customer loyalty to the retailer.
Gould Industries Ltd, a division of Panetta Empire, has a world-renowned reputation for quality, innovation, and production skills that distinguish it from others. Primarily producing private-brand janitorial and sanitation products, Gould is quickly expanding in the private-label sector for packaging, cosmetics, baby care, and personal care.
The company has expanded its factory three times in just the last four years. Also, it has signed some major distribution deals across North America. Besides, the company is also recycling more than 25 million kilos of plastic yearly has a direct impact on the environment, and takes its role very seriously, always making strides to improve daily. Gould Industries Ltd was founded in 1954 and is headquartered in Montreal, Québec. To highlight and further understand what Gould Industries Ltd stands for and seeks to explore in this segment, I sat down with Frederico Panetta, who serves as the company’s Chief Executive Officer.
Below is an excerpt.
Q. Have you always been passionate about production and manufacturing? Tell us what inspired the foundation of Gould Industries Ltd.
My journey truly started in North Montreal, early on having success with various business ventures in the beverage industry, perhaps giving me a unique insight on how to manage a corporation that specialized in seamless production and manufacturing at a truly gold standard. I wanted to provide a service for the world that could not only benefit the community it was built but be a gold-standard employer. I now have more than 100 direct employees who are paid weekly with pension plans and benefits.
Q. When it comes to longevity, Gould Industries Ltd has it. I find it unique that an organization has what it takes to design top-quality products for nearly 70 years. My question to you is, how did your company continue to adapt?
For example, especially during the pandemic, we found ourselves adapting by helping local hospitals with supplies any way we could, donating to charities, and making our office a work of art that people felt comfortable and at ease. No one anticipated the year we had in 2020. It’s impressive how we were able to pull through the many years of business while we pulled others with us as well. In this pandemic, I have learned that caring for one another is the greatest wealth that you can give, provide, and give. When my decisions are based purely on providing help to the healthcare system, it goes a long way beyond making any financial gain.
Q. Who are your clients? Could you provide us with one or two case studies describing the quality challenges your clients were facing and how your solutions helped them overcome those challenges?
We’re a supplier for a lot of major industries around Canada and the world. We always aim to be the go-to source for our clients when it comes to service and quality, so they rarely feel the need to search elsewhere for a better alternative. We deal with more than 80 percent of the retailers across Canada, and we supply several major hospital distributor groups, schools, associations, parks, and many other governmental institutions.
Q. How do you measure success, and over what time frame? How are these metrics determined?
To me, every business venture led me to where I am today, starting in the beverage industry and learning manufacturing, and leadership — skills that would make me the CEO I am today. Success is determined by theamount of good we can do for the world beyond money; when you’re good to people, the rest will come with time. We hold several community-based events annually, most of them for high school students, showcasing and celebrating the arts and people in need all in one melting pot. Also, I can point out that when a proud employee thanks you because he or she could send their child to get an education in the best schools, which again is a rewarding feeling.
Q. You must be decisive and persistent to succeed in this competitive industry. With that said, how do you plan to combat your competition?
Gould’s DNA and culture are different than those of its competitors and other traditional companies. The company is taking care of its employees, as well as the local community. At the moment, our territory is expanding rapidly across Canada and beyond. We only work to do what’s best for our customers, staff, and future as a brand, rarely considering the competition.
Q. Could you describe your typical management style and the type of employee that works well with you?
Gould Industries pushes for an environment where employees are encouraged to come as they are and be themselves. We express this attitude through our love for art and participation in local events. The office itself is a masterpiece, and we want people to be proud of where they work and enjoy being there. Most of our visitors say that our manufacture feels like an art gallery, uniquely.
Q. Trust is one of the most important currencies of leadership that requires authenticity and consistency to maintain. What’s your take on this?
With a team of great, trustworthy minds you can depend on to get the job done in a pinch, you will always yield the best results. If you can find this in life and business, you’re very lucky. Being authentic to yourself and the vision will never leave you astray.
Q. How do you plan to transform your company into a future that is unfolding before you?
Our main objective is to widen our catalog and emphasize being a turnkey operation for our customers. With progress on the horizon, we have set our sights on going public on the stock market to have an even bigger impact. Besides, we are looking to see some mergers and acquisitions coming. There are a few companies that show a great deal of potential. We always plan to expand to more territories worldwide; the goal is to be a household name beyond Canada. An all-in-one streamlined solution to manufacturing.
The Charismatic Leader at the Helm of Gould Industries Ltd
Frederico Panetta serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Gould Industries. He makes tremendous efforts towards making sure his employees are well taken care of, and the community he resides in prospers, creating several programs and initiatives to make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible.
By far, with everything Gould Industries has accomplished so far under Frederico’s leadership, it’s another step closer to becoming a globally recognized brand outselling the likes of Johnson & Johnson which has had a similar ‘turnkey’ approach selling everything from vaccines to facial scrubs.
“I wanted to provide a service for the world that could not only benefit the community it was built in but be a gold standard employer.”“With progress on the horizon, we have set our sights on going public on the stock market to have an even bigger impact. Besides, we are looking to see some mergers and acquisitions coming.”