Frederico Panetta is a successful young businessman who started in Montreal North’s streets and created an empire on his own. He now has more than 100 direct employees who are paid weekly with pension plans and benefits at his company Gould Industries.
Additionally, Frederico is a philanthropist and he loves helping his community with charity events for the home- less as he sponsors immi- grants to Canada.

Establishing A Brand
In an exclusive interview with Frederico, he said that he has already established a name in the industry. “The industry knows me more as someone who brought serious growth and stability to a manufacturing company.” He has an unstoppable innovative force in his work, he’s sensitive and kind to his people, and has an undeniable passion for success.
He says that by building a name for himself in the industry, he’s had loyal clients bring in & refer new business to him more and more as the years go on. This has reduced his cost for advertising, and therefore, he has prioritized his product quality and focusing on helping others in his community.
Frederico says that obstacles were part of his journey. “I learned that when you are swimming with sharks, you are fast if you gain notoriety and respect.” He learned that he needed to keep up with all challenges coming his way, and through remaining steadfast he’d be successful.
To overcome obstacles, he put a lot of energy and focus into perfecting his operations to ensure his businesses long term success. Similarly, he read a lot and learned from people who have been through similar challenges in business and life.
Being Different
“Most people in this industry wear a suit and tie, and that’s one area we definitely stand out and set ourselves apart, the dress code is relaxed so employees can focus on the job in comfort.”You can work with jogging pants and Jordan shoes.” says Frederico.
Secondly, he says money has never been his main motive or reason to succeed. This made our brand successful while many of our competitors overlook quality, we’ve always prided ourselves in making it a top priority. Over everything, he values growth no matter how small it may seem because the end result leads to progress and success in the industry of manufacturing.
In Conclusion
Frederico Panetta might be young, but his power and innova- tive force in the industry continues to grow. His management skills are at a level even older CEOs and CTOs need to take a closer look at. Frederico believes that management is prime factor in any business’s success. “Without proper management, the business is doomed, but with conscious management, the business goes far and achieves desired targets.” he concluded.